The deep blue sea offers limitless potential when it comes to ingredient innovation. Sustainable and nutritious, seaweed is already having a moment in the spotlight.
Salt Water and
Sea Botanicals are just a few of these wonders totally reinventing snacks, seasonings, cocktails and even charcuterie boards. 70% of the earth is water, but a large percentage of our taste experiences are land-based. It’s time to tap into this unexplored flavor potential!
Underwater Botanicals

Underwater Botanicals offer a fresh, earthy flavor to savory meals and cocktails. Noteworthy botanicals include dashi, spirulina, wakame, kombu, agar, samphire, nori, kelp and sea spaghetti.
Salt Water

Salt water brings a fresh and briny bite to foods and beverages. It can also dimensionalize eating and drinking experiences with an experiential component.

Spirulina Ice Cream with Sweet Furikake Sprinkles
Mixed Seaweed Pickles
Parmesan and Dulse Crisp
Dulse Cured Salmon
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Water Signs are aligned with Underwater, Under Discovered as these signs are deeply connected to the cycles of life and can embrace change and new paths. Find your Flavorscope: