I don't usually use the microwave to poach my breakfast egg, but it can come in very handy for a lunch egg. Lentils, brown rice or a salad can be elevated from a side dish to a main dish with a tender, gooey poached egg on top. Here's how to make a quick, freshly poached egg in the office microwave.
Before you try this, please consider this very important caveat: Microwave ovens come in lots of different configurations. This is a basic set of instructions, but you will probably need to tweak it a bit to adjust to your microwave.
Photo: McCormick
Microwave Poached Egg
1 egg
1/3 cup water
Approximately 1/2 teaspoon vinegar (optional)
Microwave-safe mug or small bowl
Microwave-safe small plate
Slotted spoon
Photo: McCormick
1. Gather your ingredients. The vinegar is optional, but it will help the egg coalesce a little better.
2. Crack the egg into a microwave-safe bowl or mug.
3. Pour in about 1/3 cup water.
4. Add a bit of vinegar. (You can also add this directly to the water before pouring it in.)
5. Cover the bowl or mug with a microwave-safe plate. Place in the microwave and cook on 80 percent POWER for 60 seconds. Check the egg. If it is not done yet, return to microwave and cook on 80 percent POWER in 20 second bursts. (I usually cook mine for a total of 80 seconds.)
6. Remove from the water with a slotted spoon, and enjoy!
--This method will give a rather wobbly egg. If you like a more hardboiled-style egg, microwave on HIGH for 60 seconds.
--Note that, unlike when poaching eggs on the stovetop, the microwave tends to cook the yolk even faster than the white. So if you like gooey yolks, it's best to take the egg out when the white is still a little wobbly.
(Faith Durand is managing editor of TheKitchn.com, a nationally known blog for people who love food and home cooking. Submit any comments or questions to kitchn@apartmenttherapy.com.)
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